Has Rip-Off Policies Reached Boiling Point?

Has Rip-Off Policies Reached Boiling Point?

People once thought that insurance was the best way to cover emergencies such as boiler breakdowns. However, times have changed and many are realising that using the direct services of a local plumber may prove far more cost-effective.

The Financial Ombudsman has revealed that 75% of the millions who take out insurance to cover boiler breakdowns and other domestic crises such as burst pipes have been misled as to the extent and usefulness of the coverage. They have received an increasing number of complaints in this area and advise that taking out unnecessary insurance policies should certainly be avoided.

The problem is that many boiler insurance policies tend to be riddled with catches, exclusions and hidden clauses. Some will charge an excess, some only cover certain aspects of labour or only pay for the first couple of hours work. Some require your boiler to be inspected if it is over 7 years old; some will not cover you at all if the boiler is over 15 years old. You could end up wasting hundreds of pounds on boiler insurance that is no good at all when the time comes. Little wonder that many people feel they would rather call out their trusted local plumber in times of need.

There are great benefits to simply calling your friendly neighbourhood plumber when your boiler breaks down. For a start, there is no need to endure the modern-day hell of the call centre rigmarole and you will receive a direct, personal response. Plus, by using our local independent service providers we can all support or local economy, rather than pouring money into the coffers of a faceless multi-national – in economic times like these such choices do make a difference. Finally, best of all, your own plumber will be able to tell you just what is needed to repair your boiler with no nasty surprises. No sudden shock of finding out that parts are not covered under an expensive insurance policy. Your local plumber can advise, guide and most importantly of all get that boiler fixed properly. Now that’s what we call money well spent.